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Hire Custom Websites &
Mobile Apps
Development Company


We create custom websites and mobile apps that are designed just for you, meeting your specific needs with user-friendly features and smooth functionality.

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Web Development

We create custom websites that work well on computers and phones. Our team also builds online stores and other web applications. We use the latest technology to make sure our websites are fast and easy to use. Whether you need a new website or improvements to your current one, we can help your business grow online.

  • + Custom Website Development
  • + Web Application Development
  • + Content Management Systems
  • + E-commerce Solutions
  • + Responsive Web Design
  • + Frontend Development
  • + Backend Development
  • + Progressive Web Apps
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Mobile App Development

We focus on making new and creative mobile apps for smartphones and tablets. Each app is made to fit what you need, with easy-to-use screens and strong features. We use our skills with different types of technology to create apps that are good quality and help businesses do better. Whether we start from the beginning or make changes to apps that already exist, we are here to help with solutions that work for you.
  • + Android App Development
  • + iOS App Development
  • + Hybrid App Development
  • + Progressive Web App
  • + Enterprise Mobility
  • + Quality Assurance

UI/UX Designs

Design is really important for websites and mobile apps to work well. At JBcodeapp, we're experts in making sure your website or app is easy and enjoyable to use. We take care of everything, from coming up with ideas to making sure everything looks good and works perfectly. Our goal is to make technology simpler and more effective for your business. Let's work together to make your company even better with our great design services.
  • + Planning Design Ideas
  • + Wireframe Design
  • + Strategic Design Advice
  • + Websites Fit All Screens
  • + Research on Design
  • + Structuring Information
  • + Designing User Interfaces
  • + Designing Mobile Apps
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AI & ML App Development

Are you thinking about making your app smarter or creating a new one? You're in the right place. Our AI and machine learning experts can help. We create solutions that can save your business up to 30% on operating costs. We use tools like TensorFlow, Apache SystemML, Caffe, Apache Mahout, OpenNN, Torch, Neuroph, and Mycroft AI to bring advanced business insights to various industries.
  • + E-commerce Recommendations
  • + Automated Customer Support
  • + Photo Editing Tools
  • + Automated Data Entry
  • + User Behavior Analysis
  • + Future Trend Predictions

Hire Dedicated Developers

At JBcodeapp, you can create your own team of software developers by choosing the best ones from our group of experts. We offer different ways to work together—short-term, long-term, or forever—to fit what your business needs. You can grow your team fast with skilled people who are ready to start in just 48 hours. We talk with you to know exactly what skills and experience your project needs to do well.
  • + Building Your Software Team
  • + Flexible Ways to Work Together
  • + Planning Your Project's Path
  • + Hiring Offsite
  • + Overview of Hiring System
  • + Dedicated Hiring Services
  • + Improving HR Efficiency
  • + Hiring Onsite
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Digital Marketing

Our Digital Marketing IT Company helps you improve your online presence and grow your business. We create custom marketing plans, boost your search engine rankings, manage your social media, and create engaging content. Our team uses advanced tools to track performance and make sure you get the best results. We cover all your digital marketing needs, from email marketing to pay-per-click ads.
  • + Custom Marketing Plans
  • + Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • + Social Media Management
  • + Email Marketing
  • + Online Reputation Management
  • + Mobile Marketing
Technologies Tech

Technologies We work

Tailwind CSS
Tailwind CSS

Our Work

We work with global brands and agencies, using flat design and digital technology.
We make software for startups, businesses, and brands. See our work.


Frequently asked questions (FAQs) about JBcodeapp cover custom
websites, app development, design, AI, hiring, and digital marketing..

We build custom websites tailored to your needs, including online stores and web applications. Our websites are designed to look great and work smoothly on both computers and mobile devices. Whether you need a new site or want to update your current one, we can help make it better and more effective.

Yes, we create apps for both Android and iOS platforms. We also offer hybrid apps that work on multiple devices and progressive web apps that combine the best of websites and apps. Our goal is to make sure your app works well and provides a great experience for users on any device.

We focus on creating designs that are simple and enjoyable to use. From the initial planning to the final design, we ensure that everything looks good and is easy to navigate. We make sure our designs work well on all screen sizes, so your website or app is user-friendly for everyone.

We use advanced tools like TensorFlow, Apache SystemML, and other powerful software to build smart, AI-driven solutions. These tools help us create features like automated customer support, data analysis, and more, making your business processes more efficient.

Yes, you can hire our developers to work on your project. We offer flexible options, whether you need developers for a short-term project or for ongoing work. You can choose the developers with the skills that best match your needs and have them start working on your project quickly.

We provide a full range of digital marketing services to help you grow your business online. This includes creating custom marketing plans, improving your search engine rankings (SEO), managing your social media accounts, running email campaigns, and managing your online reputation. Our goal is to help you reach more customers and achieve better results.

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Let’s make someting special together

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